PT. Rotary Electrical Machine Service (REMS) is a rotating machines service company.  The core service is maintenance such as overhaul (recondition) and also rewinding.                                                                                              PT. Rotary Electrical Machine Service was founded and operated by experts who are experienced in rewinding, recondition and repairing of Electromotors and Generators



Authorized Workshop Service


Let's hear
What they says

Excellent Service

Good job and Excelent Service

Rahman - PLN Muara Bungo

Happy and Satisfied REMS

Kami merasa sangat puas dengan kualitas produk dan sales yang baik dalam komunikasi.

Robi - Abdi KArya

Terima kasih REMS

Terima kasih atas kerjasama yang baik dalam membantu menghadapi masalah kami di lapangan

Suroso - PLN PUSAT